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Machine Guns and Light Weapons
The Range Fees:
3-5 different guns per group is $400
6-9 different guns per group is $700
10+ different guns per group is $950
Range Fees include range maintenance, safety & operations briefing, range time, and range cadre/safety officer.
Not all firearms are currently listed on the website. Please click the link below to download a full list of everything that we have to offer to our guest.
American Weapons:
Heavy Weapons:

M134 Minigun (7.62×51)
$500 for 100 rounds
Firing 3000 rounds per min this weapon allows for maximum destruction and is the ultimate machine gun. First used in the Vietnam war the M134 Minigun continues to serve our country to this day.
Country: USA
Year in Service: 1963–present
Rate of fire: 3,000 rounds/min

M2 Machine Gun (.50 BMG)
$350 per 20 rounds
John Browning’s iconic heavy machine gun was first fielded in 1933 and is still in service with todays US military. Nicknamed the “Ma Deuce” this battlefield beast was capable direct or indirect fire.
Country: USA
Year in Service: 1933–present
Rate of fire: 700 rounds/min

Barrett M82 (.50BMG)
$17.50 per round
This 50cal. Sniper rifle may be made in America but is currently in active use by more than 30 NATO countries. Also knows as the “Light Fifty” this Anti-material weapon has taken down enemy targets and personnel at distances well over a mile away.
Country: USA
Year in Service: 1984–present
Effective range 1,800 meters

M9 Vietnam Era Flame Thrower
$350 one full tank
$250 for each additional tank
The flame thrower is one of the most feared weapons of war that has ever been wielded by man. The concept of controllable flame in battle was first realize by the Greeks in the 1st Century A.D. However, modern flame throwers were really invented by the Germans and used In the trench warfare of WW1. The U.S. used the flame throwers with more frequency in WW2 and thereafter. The U.S. Retired the flame thrower from its weapon inventory after the Vietnam war. It was actually banned at the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons in Geneva. Our Vietnam era flame thrower has the capability to shoot a flame out to 260 ft. That’s almost as long as a football field. It is a man handheld inferno!
Light Machine Guns:

M1919 Machine Gun (7.62×51)
$120 per 20 rounds
This versatile medium machine gun has served not only the infantry, but was also mounted on tanks and aircraft. Even though it first entered service in 1919, this weapon it is still in use today by various third world countries.
Country: USA
Year in Service: 1919–present
Rate of fire: 700 rounds/min

M60 Machine Gun (7.62×51)
$85 per 20 rounds
First fielded in 1957, this belt feed powerhouse is capable of firing 600 rounds per minute. Based on the German MG 42, it was used by every branch of the US military up until its replacement in the late 1970s by the M240. Even so, it continued to see limited service in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Sylvester Stallone made this an iconic weapon in the movie “First Blood as John Rambo”.
Country: USA
Year in Service: 1957–present
Rate of fire: 500–650 rounds/min

M249 SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon) Machine Gun (5.56 Nato)
$75 per 20 rounds
This weapon was developed to fill a void present in the infantry squad to provide a belt fed 5.56 machine gun. First fielded in 1985, and it is still in use today.
Country: USA
Year in Service: 1984–present
Rate of fire: 800 rounds/min
Infantry Weapons:

M3 Grease Gun MG (.45 APC)
$60 per 20 rounds
Nicknamed the “the Greese Gun” for its looks this weapon was mass produced by the united states in ww2 and continued to serve officially till 1994.
Country: USA
Year in Service: 1943–1992
Rate of fire: 450 rounds/min

M1 Carbine (.30 Carbine) Full Auto
$120 per 20 rounds
With over 6.5 million rifles produced this rifle first entered service in 1942 as a standard infantry rifle.
Country: USA
Year in Service: 1942–1973
Rate of fire: 750 rounds/min

M1 Garand (30.06) *Semi
$50 per 8 rounds
First entering service in 1936 this was the first standard-issue semi-automatic US military rifle and was even called “the greatest battle implement ever devised” by General George S. Patton himself.
Country: USA
Year in Service: 1936–1959
Rate of fire: 40−50 rounds/min

M4 Carbine MG (5.56 Nato)
$60 per 20 rounds
Currently the US military’s standard modern day infantry weapon replacing the less popular M16 entering service in 1994. This weapon is currently in use in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Country: USA
Year in Service: 1994–present
Rate of fire: 700–950 round/min
German Weapons:
Heavy weapons:

MG-42 Machine Gun (8mm)
$120 per 20 rounds
The Maschinengewehr 42 also known as the MG 42 had one of the highest average cyclic rates of any single-barreled man-portable machine gun: between 1,200 and 1,500 rpm. This Iconic weapon survived the war to be used to present day as the MG-3.
Country: German
Year in Service: 1942–present as MG3
Rate of fire: 1,200rounds/min

MG-34 Machine Gun (8mm)
$120 per 20 rounds
The resourceful MG 34 was perhaps the most cutting-edge machine gun in the world at the time of its deployment in 1936 & was considered the world’s first general-purpose machine gun. The MG-34 was to expensive and slow to build which lead to changing to the MG-42 in 1942.
Country: German
Year in Service: 1936–1945
Rate of fire: 750–900 rounds/min
Assault Rifles:

German STG-44 (7.9 Kurtz) *Worlds 1st. Assault Rifle
$120 per 20 rounds
This Nazi German weapon from 1944 is credited with being the world’s first assault rifle and with less than 500,000 produced this weapon is a rare piece of history and our collection.
Country: German
Year in Service: 1943–1945
Rate of fire: 550–600 rounds/min
Infantry Weapons:

MP-40 Sub Machine Gun (9mm)
$80 per 20 rounds
This automatic weapon was strongly preferred by Nazi Germanys armed forces over its bolt action counterpart the K98 because of its increased rate of fire and weight.
Country: German
Year in Service: 1938–1945
Rate of fire: 500–550 rounds/min

K98 Bolt Action Rifle (8mm M/88)
$60 per 10 rounds
Nazi Germanys standard issue bolts action rifle packed a good punch but was heavy. *our collection k98 is stamped 1937 so why not shoot this piece of history.
Country: German
Year in Service: 1935–1945
Effective range: 500 Meters
Russian Weapons:
Heavy weapons:

PKM Machine Gun (7.62x54R)
$70 per 20 rounds
This soviet era machine gun has proven itself reliable in most all extreme conditions. With its high rate of fire and heavy round weapon packs quite the punch.
Country: Russian
Year in Service: 1961–present
Rate of fire: 700 – 800 rounds/min

DT Machine Gun (7.62x54R)
$75 per 20 rounds
The “Degtyaryov machine gun” or “DT” for short was the Russian machine gun of world war II. Weather it was mowing down advancing Nazis or retreating Russian forces one things certain, that was it is reliable in the cold weather.
Country: Russian
Year in Service: 1928–1960s
Rate of fire: 550 rounds/min
Light Machine Guns:

PPSH-41 Machine Gun (7.62×25)
$85 per 20 rounds
This weapon gave an extreme rate of fire power to the Russian infantry during the push to take back Stalingrad in WWII
Country: Russian
Year in Service: 1941–1960s
Rate of fire: 900 to over 1000 rounds/min
Infantry Weapons:

Mosin-Nagant bolt action (7.62x54R)
$35 per 10 rounds
Making its first appearance in 1891 this weapon has seen service through two world wars and can still be found on some modern-day battlefields.
Country: Russian
Year in Service: 1891–present
Effective range: 500 Meters